
The weather is hot and sticky, the beaches are crowded, and your neighbor won’t stop leaving zucchini on your doorstep. It must be August!

With all that’s going on around us, we sometimes forget to stop and take in all the beauty of summer here in New England. Trying to soak up as much of the season as possible can be exhausting. Beach trips, picnics, back yard barbecues, pool parties, and back to school shopping. It’s always a whirlwind of activities before the colder weather descends and the long days become shorter.

Wouldn’t it be great to hold onto that little piece of summer? To be able to feel like you’re on the back deck with a cold drink sweating in your hand? Well you CAN.

Canning and jarring season is upon us! Scent and taste are the two senses tied closest to memory, and what better down memory lane than the tastes and smells of summer. Grab some cucumbers from your local farmer and start pickling.

Take advantage of the overwhelming piles of tomatoes at every farm stand you drive by. Stop and pick some up because now is the time to make that marinara and salsa.

Corn season will be over just as quickly as it started so don’t waste any time. Dust off that pressure cooker your grandmother used to use (you know, the one sitting in your basement behind the box of Christmas decorations), and start shucking!

But then you remember, you’re not sure how all this caning and jarring actually works. Well have no fear; the Ocean House Food Forager is here! On Saturday September 12 at 9 a.m. join me, Chef Paul, in the Center for Wine & Culinary Arts to learn how to preserve the flavors of the summer during our In the Kitchen: Introduction to Water Bath Canning.

From pickling to caning to freezing, we’ll explore all the ways our ancestors did it, and throw in some modern technology, so when your back is aching from shoveling a path to the road for the fifth time in February, you can open a jar of homemade pico de gallo, mix up a margarita, and be transported back to that summer sunshine.

See you on September 12 Click here to learn more and book your seat today.

Bon Appetit!

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Chef Paul McComiskey
Food Forager & Director of Culinary Education